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First full week of the 2015 legislative session

06 February 2015 5:30 PM | David Pearson

This week marked the first full week of the 2015 legislative session.  While there has been a lot of activity behind the scenes, with legislators and lobbyists busily working on bill drafts, formal activity has been slow this week.  House members have introduced 59 bills so far, with Senators introducing 46.  We’ll expect to see these numbers rise dramatically in the next few weeks.  

The Governor was invited to the General Assembly this week to give his biennial State of the State address.  Governor McCrory outlined five guiding principles, including:  creating jobs, education, connecting small towns with urban centers through roads and technology, improving quality of life and public safety, and reducing government inefficiency.   

In addition to noting the upcoming Centennial for the NC State Parks System, McCrory also announced his intention to move State Parks, the Zoo, the Aquariums, and the Museum of Natural Sciences from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to the Department of Cultural Resources.  His reasoning is that the attractions and park system are part of our cultural resources and should be managed as such.  

This change will require legislation, so expect the move to be discussed throughout this session.

Committees will begin meeting in earnest next week, as the work of the General Assembly kicks into high gear.  

 Friends of State Parks, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax idnetification number 58-1634155) under the section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

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